Creditors’ Rights and Judgment Enforcement in Colorado


Enforcing Creditors’ Rights in Bankruptcy Court

I have more than 20 years of experience representing creditors in bankruptcy.

For equipment and other asset-secured lenders, I can obtain relief from stay to immediately gain possession of property.

For secured creditors, my detailed understanding of lease and financing transactions allows me to handle your problem efficiently.

To discuss creditor representation in bankruptcy, contact me by e-mail or call (303) 504-0055 for a complimentary consultation.

Solving Legal Problems Quickly and Cost-Effectively

For more than 20 years, David von Gunten has represented creditors in the enforcement of commercial debts in state and federal courts across Colorado.

I represent all types of creditors who seek to obtain or enforce judgments for the collection of debt. I also represent the interests of secured and unsecured creditors in Chapter 7, 11, 12 and 13 bankruptcy proceedings before the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Colorado.

Contact me at von Gunten Law LLC to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Extensive Experience Collecting on Lease and Finance Agreements

My practice has particularly focused on lenders and lending institutions who need to collect on equipment lease and other financing agreements.

If a lessee/borrower has defaulted on a lease financing equipment and your equipment is anywhere in Colorado, I can effect the return of the equipment and collect any deficiency. Alternatively, I am able to negotiate sound workout agreements that can salvage some of your profits on the deal.

As an attorney practicing in this field for more than 20 years, I obtain and enforce judgments against defaulted borrowers in lease and financing agreements involving equipment ranging from concrete pumping trucks and corn head equipment to injection molding machines to private jets.

I often face and resolve numerous complications in enforcing client interests, including dealing with conflicting claims by other secured creditors such as taxing authorities.

Whatever the optimal resolution in your situation, I will work with you to implement it quickly and efficiently. I am an experienced and effective trial lawyer, but my goal is always to promote my clients’ interests. If the maximum value for you can be gained in a negotiated resolution or out-of-court settlement, that is the strategy I will use.

If you need to structure a workout, repossess equipment, collect arrearages, obtain a judgment or obtain deficiency payments on any commercial debt in a Colorado court, contact me to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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